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Today's data

This page shows a summary of the data since midnightlocal time
Temperature and humidity
High Temperature2,3 °Ckl. 00:01
Low Temperature2,2 °Ckl. 00:11
Temperature Range0,1°C 
High Apparent Temperature-2,0 °Ckl. 00:42
Low Apparent Temperature-2,4 °Ckl. 00:28
High Heat Index2,3 °Ckl. 00:01
Low Wind Chill-1,2 °Ckl. 00:28
Maximum dew point-1,2 °Ckl. 00:02
Minimum dew point-1,4 °Ckl. 00:11
High Humidity78%kl. 00:02 
Low Humidity77%kl. 00:00
Heat degree days0,5 
Cool degree days0,0 
Rainfall Rate Max0,0 mm/tkl. 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall0,0 mmkl. 00:00
Current Wet Spell0 Day 
Current Dry Spell1 Day 
Highest Gust7,6 m/skl. 00:19
Highest Speed (10 minute average)3,4 m/s (F3)kl. 00:28
Wind bearing13°kl. 00:19
Dominant Direction 
Wind Run8,7 km 
Beaufort scaleF3Let vind
Pressure (sea level)
High Pressure1042,1 hPakl. 00:11
Low Pressure1041,8 hPakl. 00:41

Page updated : 10-02-2025 00:45:00
powered by kkp & Cumulus 3.21.1 (3205)